
Anna Sewell 安娜·舍威尔(塞维尔)论不义

Anna Sewell 安娜·舍威尔
My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt.

1820–78, English author. Her only work, Black Beauty (1877), the story of a horse, became a children's classic and has gone into many reprints. Her mother,
Mary Wright Sewell, 1797–1884, was also a popular writer for children.

(born March 30, 1820, Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng.—died April 25, 1878, Old Catton, Norfolk) British writer. She was introduced to writing by her mother, an author of juvenile best-sellers, and her concern for the humane treatment of horses began early in life. Confined to her house as an invalid, she spent her last years writing the children's classic Black Beauty (1877), a fictional autobiography of a gentle, highbred horse. It had a strong moral purpose and is said to have been instrumental in abolishing the cruel practice of using the checkrein (a short rein used to prevent a horse from lowering its head).

安娜.塞维尔(Anna Sewell)于1820年出生于诺福克,于1878年去世 。出于对人类虐待动物的强烈不满,他写下了《黑骏马》(Black Beauty),以说服人们对马仁慈一些。这是她身患重病的时候花了6年的时间写的,也是她写的唯一一本书。书出版后不久她就去世了,从那时以来这本书销售了3,000多万本。本书是一部十九世纪下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的经典儿童小说。《黑骏马》在欧美常销不衰,唤醒一代又一代读者去理解所有不会说话的动物。内容简介小说主人公“黑骏马”是一匹漂亮的优种黑马,从小生活在贵族人家,受过良好的训练,性格温顺、善良,而且聪明、机智,主人非常喜欢他。但是好景不长,主人家里有了变故,黑骏马不得不被卖掉。他一连被卖过多次,接触过各种人:有喝多了酒就拿马撒气的醉汉,有动辄抽鞭子的出租马车车夫,有不把动物当回事的野蛮人,也有把动物当成朋友的好人家,尝尽了人间的甜酸苦辣。最后它侥幸有了一个好的归宿。作品揭示了马的内心世界,也有作为马冷眼旁观人类社会的描写。黑骏马通过自己的眼睛,用惟妙惟肖的语言,讲述了一个个娓娓动听的故事,让我们每个读故事的人都感到:动物通人性,我们怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待我们……像所有的经典小说一样,100多年以来,《黑骏马》已风靡全世界,几度被拍成电影,历演不衰。

BLACK BEAUTYA classic children's story by Anna Sewell - specially adapted by Deidre Laiken, this book is in 'like new' condition. There is a small 'ding' on the top of the back cover. This is a 233 page hardcover book with big print and lots of illustrations. A wonderful story for any child who like to read or be read to! "A Horse's Life can be filled with love & tenderness. It can also be filled with meanness and cruelty. Black Beauty learns both sides of life in this classis tale. Told from a horse's point of view, Black Beauty's own story takes you into the mind and heart of a sensitive animal searching for love and understanding."
